First Quarter Tankers Not Delivering |
1/06/10 |
1/07/10 |
16 |
Le gigantisme maritime : une nouvelle voie de réflexion (suite et fin) |
3/06/10 |
3/07/10 |
16 |
World Shipbuilding - Is History Repeating Itself? |
5/06/10 |
5/07/10 |
16 |
Objective of tank cleaning is the next cargo |
7/06/10 |
7/07/10 |
16 |
Bridge technology limitations and evidence preservation |
9/06/10 |
9/07/10 |
16 |
GMDSS – time for an upgrade |
11/06/10 |
11/07/10 |
16 |
Improving positional accuracy and reliability |
13/06/10 |
13/07/10 |
16 |
Over Schoolschepen en Zeevaartonderwijs |
15/06/10 |
15/07/10 |
16 |
BP to use tankers to contain Gulf oil spill |
17/06/10 |
17/07/10 |
16 |
The Scheldt to be deep |
19/06/10 |
19/07/10 |
16 |
Don’t over-rely on GPS |
21/06/10 |
21/07/10 |
16 |
ICS slams US proposal to abolish limited liability |
23/06/10 |
23/07/10 |
16 |
The iceberg threat in the North Atlantic |
25/06/10 |
25/07/10 |
16 |
Belgische kolonisatieprojecten in de 19de eeuw |
27/06/10 |
27/07/10 |
16 |
Marpol Part 1 |
29/06/10 |
29/07/10 |
16 |
Marpol Part 2 |
1/07/10 |
1/08/10 |
16 |
Pavillons de complaisance,le shipping délocalisé |
3/07/10 |
3/08/10 |
16 |
Norway slammed over "criminalisation" case |
5/07/10 |
5/08/10 |
16 |
Shipmaster jailed by US court |
De internationale gemeenschap in de strijd tegen het maritieme terrorisme |
7/07/10 |
7/08/10 |
16 |
Building dangers for the future? |
9/07/10 |
9/08/10 |
16 |
Pirate pleads guilty |
11/07/10 |
11/08/10 |
16 |
Reliable shipboard systems |
13/07/10 |
13/08/10 |
16 |
Traditions Anglo-Belges |
15/07/10 |
17/08/10 |
16 |
Giant obo arrives to help US oil cleanup |
17/07/10 |
17/08/10 |
16 |
Ransom payments - Will Washington muddy the waters? |
19/07/10 |
19/08/10 |
16 |
exactEarth Nowhere to Hide |
21/07/10 |
21/08/10 |
16 |
Oil and Tankers, a Volatile Cost Mix |
23/07/10 |
23/08/10 |
16 |
Navies ‘release’ 400 Somali pirates |
25/07/10 |
25/08/10 |
16 |
New Somali pirate security force launched |
ITIC reimburses cash stolen by Somali pirates |
Tall Ship Race 2010 |
27/07/10 |
27/08/10 |
16 |
Cosco Busan decision calls for change in navigation training |
29/07/10 |
29/08/10 |
16 |
Bepalingen betreffende de strijd tegen pirateij op zee |
1/08/10 |
31/08/10 |
16 |
A Whale’ fails the test |
3/08/10 |
2/09/10 |
17 |
Dutch tax concessions stimulate growth |
5/08/10 |
4/09/10 |
17 |
Dutch growth |
Chemical and product tankers set for a rough ride |
7/08/10 |
6/09/10 |
17 |
What is ECDIS mandation? |
9/08/10 |
8/09/10 |
17 |
Euronav to implement e-TOTS |
11/08/10 |
10/09/10 |
17 |
Norwegian Epic : L'origine criminelle des départs de feu ne fait plus de doute |
13/08/10 |
12/09/10 |
17 |
MOL inspects damaged VLCC |
15/08/10 |
14/09/10 |
17 |
VLCC explosion - terrorists blamed |
La propulsion Voith |
17/08/10 |
16/09/10 |
17 |
A call to arm |
19/08/10 |
18/09/10 |
17 |
Recommendations for ships transiting Somalia waters |
21/08/10 |
20/09/10 |
17 |
Third EU safety package poses protection question |
23/08/10 |
22/09/10 |
17 |
Bogged down in anaentic market |
25/08/10 |
24/09/10 |
17 |
Orders drought set to persist |
LNG players still have to weigh up the merits of Moss, membrane and SPB systems. |
"wreckage unique to shipping” |
27/08/10 |
26/09/10 |
17 |
PIRACY How Should Maritime Fight Back |
29/08/10 |
28/09/10 |
17 |
Criminalization of captains involved in collision off Mumbai port |
31/08/10 |
30/09/10 |
17 |
SharpEye solid-state radar sees an end to the magnetron |
2/09/10 |
2/10/10 |
17 |
New Scanjet cleaning interface launched |
4/09/10 |
4/10/10 |
17 |
Modern bridge technology has evolved |
6/09/10 |
6/10/10 |
17 |
The use of low sulphur fuel by ships at berth in Community ports |
08 /09/ |
8/10/10 |
17 |
Suezmax gloom |
0/01/00 |
10/10/10 |
17 |
Autoroutes de la mer : rêve ou réalité ? |
12/09/10 |
12/10/10 |
17 |
Increase in high seas bunkering seen |
14/09/10 |
14/10/10 |
17 |
Les uniformes de la marine de 1830 à nos jours |
16/09/10 |
16/10/10 |
17 |
How efficient are cargo tank cleaning chemicals ? |
18/09/10 |
18/10/10 |
17 |
IMO global sulphur regulations impact on marine pumps minimised |
20/09/10 |
20/10/10 |
17 |
Enjeux maritimes et portuaires du détroit de Gibraltar |
22/09/10 |
22/10/10 |
17 |
Pollution prevention– proving Marpol compliance |
24/09/10 |
24/10/10 |
17 |
Cargo tank coating unveiled for product and oil tankers |
26/09/10 |
26/10/10 |
17 |
Petition to combat piracy- |
28/09/10 |
28/10/10 |
17 |
Another seized off Nigeria |
Out of date charts lead to accidents |
30/09/10 |
30/10/10 |
17 |
Crew free hijacked Lugela |
2/10/10 |
2/11/10 |
17 |
Asphalt Venture hijack confirmed |
Risks associated with new green fuel legislation |
4/10/10 |
4/11/10 |
17 |
Crew costs climbing |
6/10/10 |
6/11/10 |
17 |
Electronic passage plan initiative introduce |
8/10/10 |
8/11/10 |
17 |
Low sulphur marine gas oil quality could increase switching risks |
10/10/10 |
10/11/10 |
17 |
Piratry and Pirates |
12/10/10 |
12/11/10 |
17 |
Kenya axes piracy deals |
14/10/10 |
14/11/10 |
17 |
La « gueule » d’Ostende |
16/10/10 |
16/11/10 |
18 |
Handling sailing-vessels in storm condition – The manoeuvre “To Heave to” |
18/10/10 |
18/11/10 |
18 |
La première central nucléaire flottante |
20/10/10 |
20/11/10 |
18 |
Transport maritime : Des Français lancent une flotte de voiliers marchands |
22/10/10 |
22/11/10 |
18 |
A breath of fresh air from the girls |
24/10/10 |
24/11/10 |
18 |
Action urged on assessing supply of low-sulphur fuel |
26/10/10 |
26/11/10 |
18 |
Cost of insuring vessels falling |
28/10/10 |
28/11/10 |
18 |
Criminal twist to newbuild dispute |
30/10/10 |
30/11/10 |
18 |
Ship seizures increase |
2/11/10 |
2/11/10 |
18 |
Swapping Pirates for Commerce |
18 |
Opening remarks made by High Representative Catherine Ashton |
18 |
Make ECDIS mandatory |
4/11/10 |
4/12/10 |
18 |
Tanker rates - grin and bear it for now |
6/11/10 |
6/12/10 |
18 |
Operating costs set for moderate rise |
8/11/10 |
8/12/10 |
18 |
Cap & Trade or a Bunker Levy? |
10/11/10 |
10/12/10 |
18 |
New deliveries - not as many as you think? |
12/11/10 |
12/12/10 |
18 |
Teekay to acquire 50% of two LNGCs |
14/11/10 |
14/12/10 |
18 |
L'évolution du port d'Ostende à travers les âges |
16/11/10 |
16/12/10 |
18 |
La nouvelle legislation belge relative à la piraterie maritime |
18/11/10 |
18/12/10 |
18 |
Some ships ‘playing chicken’ in Gulf of Aden, warns Navy |
20/11/10 |
20/12/10 |
18 |
Platou chops tanker view |
22/11/10 |
22/12/10 |
18 |
'Prestige' judgement upsets ICS/ISF |
24/11/10 |
24/12/10 |
18 |
Hydrodynamics for efficient ship operations |
26/11/10 |
26/12/10 |
18 |
The future of navigation |
28/11/10 |
28/12/10 |
18 |
Hommage au Monument des Marins décédés durant la Deuxième Guerre |
30/11/10 |
30/12/10 |
18 |
de Maritiem Symposium - Amsterdam 8 oktober 2010 |
02/12/10 |
02/01/11 |
18 |
An idle ship is the devil’s playground |
04/12/10 |
04/01/11 |
18 |
La Belgique face aux pirates |
06/12/10 |
06/01/11 |
18 |
Pirates export $200m annually from shipping community
NTIC denies using armed guards to repel pirate attack
US confirms Al Qaeda attacks on Japanese VLCC
Spike in pirate activity beyond Gulf of Aden |
08/12/10 |
08/01/11 |
18 |
An exhaustive analysis of employment trends in all sectors relative to sea |
10/12/10 |
10/01/11 |
18 |
Job creation key to defeating somali piracy, says UN |
12/12/10 |
12/01/11 |
18 |
Nieuw Belgisch scheepvaartwetboek -Nouveau code belge de navigation |
14/12/10 |
14/01/11 |
18 |
Shifting from Ship to Shore |
16/12/10 |
16/01/11 |
18 |
Marine Royale Réflexions à propos de sa date de naissance |
18/12/10 |
18/01/11 |
18 |
l'officier allemand qui coula l'Athenia |
20/12/10 |
20/01/11 |
18 |
Look after your assets |
22/12/10 |
22/01/11 |
18 |
A new environmental concept for tanker shipping |
24/12/10 |
24/01/11 |
18 |
A wide choice of different capacities : Water ballast Management |
26/12/10 |
26/01/11 |
18 |
The Exmar Regasification Vessel |
28/12/10 |
28/01/11 |
19 |
Brighter forecast for LNG rates as major gas producers head for full output capacity |
30/12/10 |
30/01/11 |
19 |
Corporation Sentenced To Pay $700,000 In Penalties For Deliberate Oil Pollution |
01/01/11 |
01/02/11 |
19 |
Is speed killing profit? |
03/01/11 |
03/02/11 |
19 |
Legal Liability and the Digital Ship |
05/01/11 |
05/02/11 |
19 |
Boom Boom Room |
07/01/11 |
07/02/11 |
19 |
Les sirènes |
09/01/11 |
09/02/11 |
19 |
Greek owners face shortage of homegrown officers |
11/01/11 |
11/02/11 |
19 |
Hijack fear for Ems River
Thoresen ship hijacked -
MV Thor Nexus Pirated in Indian Ocean
MV Thor Nautilus Evades Pirates
Pirates seize 70,000 ton cargo ship and crew
EU’s Counter-Piracy Ops 2012 Extension Confirmed
Far too soft on pirates
First piracy case on New Year's day
13/01/11 |
11/02/11 |
19 |
Brussels scuttles plans for European Union coastguard |
15/01/11 |
15/02/11 |
19 |
What’s all this fuss about communication costs? |
17/01/11 |
17/02/11 |
19 |
Le Passage de la Ligne |
19/01/11 |
19/02/11 |
19 |
What’s in the value of a vessel? |
21/01/11 |
21/02/11 |
19 |
Confusion cause of fatal collision on the Scheldt? |
23/01/11 |
23/02/11 |
19 |
Brazil offshore bonanza beckons |
25/01/11 |
25/02/11 |
19 |
The Maritime Labour Convention – what you need to know |
27/01/11 |
27/02/11 |
19 |
Maximising efficiencies for January’s distillate switch |
29/01/11 |
28/02/11 |
19 |
Hazardous scrap ships banned in Bangladesh |
31/01/11 |
01/03/11 |
19 |
Stena E max Air |
02/02/11 |
02/03/11 |
19 |
Dry bulk carriers orderbook remains unchanged in 2010 despite flurry of newbuildings delivered |
04/02/11 |
04/03/11 |
19 |
Panamax rates slump as two dozen newbuildings hit water |
06/02/11 |
06/03/11 |
19 |
Jones Act tankers cause massive headaches |
08/02/11 |
08/03/11 |
19 |
Cunard Welcomes First Lady Captain In The Fleet |
10/02/11 |
10/03/11 |
19 |
Crime and punishement in port state control regulation |
12/02/11 |
12/03/11 |
19 |
Baltic Dry Index falls on bearish outlook |
14/02/11 |
14/03/11 |
19 |
Les tribulations du premier méridien |
16/02/11 |
16/03/11 |
19 |
Remembers the Seafarers |
18/02/11 |
18/03/11 |
19 |
Toch militairen of beveiligers tegen piraten toestaan |
18/02/11 |
18/03/11 |
19 |
Flood of ballast water treatments |
20/02/11 |
20/03/11 |
19 |
Kraaiennest |
22/02/11 |
22/03/11 |
19 |
Mutinerie sur un navire-école allemand, le capitaine relevé |
24/02/11 |
24/03/11 |
19 |
Broadband Navigation |
26/02/11 |
26/03/11 |
19 |
Navy frigate saves tanker from pirates
Algeria rejects paying ransom for hijacked ship
New tactics give pirates an edge
'Toch militairen of beveiligers tegen piraten toestaan'
Pirates set new hostage taking record
Hong Kong ship manager fears pirates and deluge of tonnage
Danish meet to highlight growing piracy problem
Anti-Pirate 'Citadel' Mandate for Korean Vessels
Arab initiative essential to end Somali piracy
Address piracy well or be in troubled waters
28/02/11 |
28/03/11 |
19 |
Proper management of provisions can save considerable costs |
02/03/11 |
02/04/11 |
19 |
STS operations to have mandatory standards |
04/03/11 |
04/04/11 |
19 |
Un marin du tanker belge Courcheville décède au large de la Bretagne |
06/03/11 |
06/04/11 |
19 |
Pressure on shipping sector to clean up act |
08/03/11 |
08/04/11 |
19 |
Navy permanently relieves carrier commander of job for poor judgment over raunchy videos |
10/03/11 |
10/04/11 |
19 |
Koksijde, Lombardsijde... en de andere 'ides' |
12/03/11 |
12/04/11 |
19 |
The Maritime Labour Convention – what you need to know |
14/03/11 |
14/04/11 |
19 |
Intercargo Ore Fines Warning |
16/03/11 |
16/04/11 |
19 |
Agencies getting tough with ship ballast dumping |
18/03/11 |
18/04/11 |
19 |
Pirates shoot US crew dead
Somali pirates were rushed by Special Forces when gunfire was heard, officials say
MSC, Sinotrans attacked |
20/03/11 |
20/04/11 |
19 |
Vent et voiles - Une école de vie !! |
22/03/11 |
22/04/11 |
20 |
Een speurtocht naar de naamsverklaring van zandbanken, geulen en andere 'zee-begrippen |
22/03/11 |
22/04/11 |
19 |
Emergency response plans needed in US waters |
24/03/11 |
24/04/11 |
19 |
Warning:"Citadels" no absolute guarantee of crew security against pirates
Rescued S. Korea crew slam pirate brutality.
Shipping industry expresses outrage at seafarer execution by Somali pirates.
Doubts persist over taking of Beluga Nomination |
26/03/11 |
26/04/11 |
19 |
Cargo contamination by tank coatings – an issue |
28/03/11 |
28/04/11 |
19 |
Erfgoed onder water. Maritieme archeologie vòòr de Belgische kust |
30/03/11 |
30/04/11 |
19 |
Dry bulk market begins new year on sour note |
01/04/11 |
01/05/11 |
20 |
VLCCs not in for sweet 2011 |
03/04/11 |
03/05/11 |
20 |
'Toch militairen of beveiligers tegen piraten toestaan'
Somali pirates closer to India; premiums up
Korean forces kill pirates, free Samho Jewelry
Merchant ships should be allowed to carry arms: advice
Malaysia holds 7 Somali pirates after saving ship |
05/04/11 |
05/05/11 |
20 |
Handling power vessels and motorboats in storm condition |
07/04/11 |
07/05/11 |
20 |
Handling large and small sailing-vessels in storm condition |
09/04/11 |
09/05/11 |
20 |
Zeekaarten |
11/04/11 |
11/05/11 |
20 |
Nuclear crisis may trigger orders for LNG carriers |
13/04/11 |
13/05/11 |
20 |
Raising the training bar |
15/04/11 |
15/05/11 |
20 |
EU and IACS discussions coming to a head |
17/04/11 |
17/05/11 |
20 |
Les navigations miraculeuses |
19/04/11 |
19/05/11 |
20 |
Safety alert - lifeboat release mechanisms |
21/04/11 |
21/05/11 |
20 |
Who Took the Maersk Alabama Booty?
Somali Pirate 'Appears Relaxed' in Court |
23/04/11 |
23/05/11 |
20 |
Human factors, bridge team management and performance |
25/04/11 |
25/05/11 |
20 |
Northen Sea Route |
27/04/11 |
27/05/11 |
20 |
2010 is recordjaar voor haven van Gent |
29/04/11 |
29/05/11 |
20 |
Japanese tanker damage may have been by explosive: report |
01/05/11 |
01/06/11 |
20 |
Bulker deliveries weighing in on freight rates keeping sentiment on a negative mode |
03/05/11 |
03/06/11 |
20 |
Seafarers' satellite TV has arrived |
05/05/11 |
05/06/11 |
20 |
Smarter Somali pirates thwarting navies, NATO admits |
07/05/11 |
07/06/11 |
20 |
Découverte d'une île flottante dans l'Atlantique Nord |
09/05/11 |
09/06/11 |
20 |
Le E-Ship 1 : une innovation durable ? |
11/09/11 |
11/06/11 |
20 |
Drie ijzeren schoeners |
13/05/11 |
13/06/11 |
20 |
Japan riding a rollercoaster |
15/05/11 |
15/06/11 |
20 |
The great East Japan earthquake and tsunami: One month on |
17/05/11 |
17/06/11 |
20 |
Un atout majeur pour l'ESNA : la recherche scientifique ! |
19/05/11 |
19/06/11 |
20 |
Ecluse à Panama : c'est du belge ! |
21/05/11 |
21/06/11 |
20 |
Les infortunes de la Marianne en Nouvelle-France |
23/05/11 |
23/06/11 |
20 |
Turkey discusses Erdoğan's new waterway |
25/05/11 |
25/06/11 |
20 |
Shipping recruitment conundrum |
27/05/11 |
27/06/11 |
20 |
Time for a seafarer Bill of Rights |
29/05/11 |
29/06/11 |
20 |
The new International Buoyage System |
31/05/11 |
01/07/11 |
20 |
'Toch militairen of beveiligers tegen piraten toestaan'
Somali pirates closer to India; premiums up
Korean forces kill pirates, free Samho Jewelry
Merchant ships should be allowed to carry arms: advice-
Malaysia holds 7 Somali pirates after saving ship
Arabs fund Blackwater founder to raise 2,000-strong anti-pirate force |
2/06/11 |
02/07/11 |
20 |
The lifeboat imbroglio |
04/06/11 |
04/07/11 |
20 |
Een speurtocht naar de naamsverklaring van zandbanken, geulen en andere 'zee-begrippen |
06/06/11 |
06/07/11 |
20 |
A software suite for all occasions |
08/06/11 |
08/07/11 |
20 |
A renewed demand for energy? |
10/06/11 |
10/07/11 |
20 |
Year of Seafarer 21 june |
12/06/11 |
12/07/11 |
20 |
Havenbedrijf Gent uitermate opgetogen met Vlaams-Nederlandse keuze voor nieuwe grote zeesluis in Terneuzen |
14/06/11 |
12/07/11 |
20 |
Les pontons de la Commune |
16/06/11 |
16/07/11 |
20 |
Shipping industry confident about Japan staging 'early' recovery |
18/06/11 |
18/07/11 |
20 |
Firearms or no firearms? Is it the wrong question? |
20/06/11 |
20/07/11 |
20 |
Criminalisation: think tank set up |
22/06/11 |
22/07/11 |
20 |